8 min readJun 25, 2021



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A. Background

The use of the Canva application as a learning medium. Learning media is needed by teachers in supporting and supporting teaching in education. Media is a tool used by teachers in teaching, in addition to using books or lecture methods, teachers are also expected to have different learning media and adjust the material and conditions of each student. Today, technological developments are increasingly rapid and advanced, everyone is expected to understand technology as a support for all existing activities, as well as in the realm of education. Teachers and students can take advantage of technology-based learning media, one of which is the Canva application. Canva is an online-based application that provides attractive designs in the form of templates, features, and categories given in it. With diverse and attractive designs, it makes the learning process not boring. By using the Canva application, teachers can teach knowledge, creativity, and skills that will be obtained for students, so that this media can also be used in various areas of life.

B. Short History of Canva

Canva is a tool for graphic design that bridges its users so they can easily design various types of creative designs online. Starting from designing greeting cards, posters, brochures, infographics, to presentations. Canva is currently available in multiple versions, web, iPhone, and Android.

Canva’s history begins in 2012, precisely on January 1, which is his birthday. Canva was founded by Melanie Perkins who previously also founded Fusion Books, a leading book publisher in Australia. In the first year of its debut, Canva skyrocketed to a record 750,000 users.

Five years on, in 2017 Canva reached a phase where the company started to make a profit. At that time they already employed 200 employees spread across the Australian and San Francisco offices. One of the biggest incomes comes from premium users, totaling 294,000 users. As of 2017, Canva has 10 million users with service coverage in 169 countries.

C. Visual Content Type

Here are the types of visual content you can create with Canva:

· Logo

· Banners

· Posters

· Social media content

· Invoice

· Design various products

· Infographics

· Newsletters

· Featured Image Blog

· YouTube Thumbnails

· Presentation slides

· Instagram posts

· Brochure

· A4 Document

· Greeting cards

· Photo collage

· Invitation

· Book cover

· Calendar

· Postcards

· Price tag

· Design clothes

· Etc



A. Definition

Canva is a graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content. The app includes templates for users to use. The platform is free to use and offers paid subscriptions like Canva Pro and Canva for Enterprise for additional functionality. Users can also pay for physical products to be printed and shipped.

B. How To Use Canva

Canva is an online graphic design application that makes it easy for users to create various designs, such as CV designs, posters, logos, and others.

This graphic design application is even very suitable and recommended for use by beginners. Because, the appearance of the application is very friendly and easy to use.

However, it is not uncommon for people to still not be able to use Canva properly. The reason is, the features that Canva offers are so many that you have to understand them well.

So how do you use Canva for design purposes and so on? Here we will explain it to you.

How to Create a Canva Account

Using Canva to create designs isn’t really that difficult. You can learn this gradually until you finally understand it in its entirety.

The first thing you have to do is create a Canva account. Creating an account in Canva is no different than creating any other account.

Reporting from Canva, here’s how to create an account on the service:

1. Visit the site

2. Choose to sign up as you wish, namely by email, Facebook, or Google.

3. Enter your full name, email, and password if you signed up with email, if you sign up with Facebook or Google then do authorize access.

4. After the data is filled in, click sign up and you already have a Canva account.

How to choose a Design in Canva

Now that you have a Canva account, it’s time for you to create designs using the Canva app. Through the Canva app, you can choose what you want to design. You can design logos, posters, CVs, and others with this application. Well, in this article, we will discuss how to choose a design using Canva.

1. Choosing a design in Canva isn’t really that difficult. Here are the steps:

2. After logging in, you will be faced with a display like this, then click the ‘create design’ button.

3. After that, choose one. In this tutorial Glints clicked on the logo. Then there will be a display with various logo templates that you can use as your reference material in creating a logo.

4. Choose the template you like, then make a logo according to your own creation.

5. On the left side, there are various features that you can use to make your logo more attractive.

6. After everything is done, you can download your work and share it with others.

C. Difficulty of Canva

1. Limitations of Canva

For marketing or promoting your enterprise as a brand, Canva is one of the best options for graphic designing. But you might want to rethink using it as a primary platform for your business.

Although Canva offers great features and a user-friendly interface, it also has a few drawbacks that you should know.

Canva does not have local file storage. This means if the website is down for some reason, you will need to wait to access your designs to make new changes. Overuse of Designs. You might feel that your design isn’t that unique because a lot of people have used your favorite template. But you can solve this issue by using more creativity in your designs.

No Source File. Unlike Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign, you cannot edit, share, or export your design without your Canva account. You cannot access your design as a raw file to make advanced edits.

Pay for some good features. You might like an image, font, or template in the Canva library that you will have to pay to use.

The mobile app has less than half the features of the desktop version. Compared to the site, mac, or desktop version, the mobile app of Canva does not have the same number of features. Moreover, it is tougher to access the different elements in the mobile designing tab.

2. Service Problem

Prints were not scaled, half was missing, the finished job on the sides was missing, a package was lost, a reprint was ordered, it was frustrating, time-consuming, and realized could never trust them to print for towards clients. They closed the case before it was solved and had the nerve to ask to make a new ticket (and re-upload, and retell everything from the start).

D. Benefit of Using Canva

Canva offers a variety of features due to which has gained popularity among millions of people. The benefits of using Canva are :

1. Free Design Platform

Canva is free to use and open for everyone. You can use it for creating compelling designs for social media, marketing campaigns, or projects. There are few features in Canva that are useful for professionals. To access those features with a premium library of stock photos, fonts, shapes, and templates, you can get Canva Pro. You can also make in-app purchases if you don’t want to buy the Pro version.

2. No skills or experience required

You don’t need any prior experience as a graphic designer to use Canva. With a variety of tools and layouts available, you can swap between fonts and images to create a professional design.

3. Ease of use with multiple templates, and fonts

Canva has a library of different backgrounds, templates, images, fonts, stickers to ensure that you get the best results. You don’t have to be a techie to use these features. In just a few clicks, you can create an engaging design with these tools. The only thing you need is creativity.

4. Endless possibilities

Canva has every digital design possibility covered from Facebook and Pinterest posts to e−book covers, Infographics, and Resume. You can also make GIFs, animations, videos It also has an option for you to create custom designs.

5. User−friendly interface

The layout of Canva is easy to use. This is the design page of Canva. On the left side are the grids for templates, photos, stickers, and, background. Above the design are tabs for fonts, color palettes, and other formatting tools. With the drag and drop feature, you can use these tools in your design in a few clicks.

6. Create a team

You can create your team on Canva so that they can have access to the designs. You can determine the kind of access your team members or employees through the shareable links to make edits.

E. The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Canva App

1. The advantages of the Canva App :

a. The interface is simple, but complete. Can make designs for digital and physical needs.

b. Full-featured and easy. Just drag and drop, Canva has prepared various templates and fonts that are ready to use.

c. The tools are website-based, so you don’t need to download them until they eat up RAM or memory.

d. Design results can be downloaded in png, jpg, pdf, etc. formats.

e. The design results are also automatically saved on the Canva website and can be shared on social media.

2. Disadvantages of The Canva App :

a. Using data quota to access the application

b. If the signal is not good, it will affect Canva performance

c. Some features require Canva Premium

d. Spending more money to use Canva Premium



Canva is a free platform that is very easy to access without requiring design skills for new users because this platform already provides a variety of very cool design templates that easy to use. In addition, this platform also provides many free templates, although they are limited. Only with internet capital alone, we can make any design we want.

In this modern era, a versatile platform like Canva is needed, especially in the world of education, this platform is very helpful in the teaching and learning process. Teachers are demanded to be creative as possible to make the learning atmosphere more interesting and fun. For instance, in presentations in class, the teacher can use media with an attractive appearance so that it is not boring or does not make students bored quickly.

On the other hand, it also makes it easier for students to create a project, such as school assignments, especially presentations. As mentioned earlier in creating group design projects, all members can easily access and edit the project in turn without saving a lot of files even if not meet directly. But still must use the internet if not, no one can access this platform.






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